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Tristan Cobine

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"Multi-passionate" is a term I was introduced to recently, and it had an immediate resonance with how I experience my life as it is now. If you're reading this, you can probably see that I'm wearing a few different hats - this was not always the case, and it's a relatively recent development in my evolution that I've been giving myself the permission to explore and enjoy and share many of the varied and diverse pursuits that fascinate and delight me. This fact alone is the result of a great deal of healing and inner work; my upbringing graced me with a fairly significant amount of psychological and emotional material to work through, and it is partially through those various of forms of work and seeking that this new era of expression in the world has come to be. If that's a bit of a mouthful, what it means is that as the Buddhists are fond of saying, "The most beautiful lotus grows from the darkest mud."

Now, I find myself having moved from what seemed as though it might be a lifetime of paralysis and constriction and into a brilliant new period of creation and self-expression. I've had many allies and sources of wisdom to guide me along my way, teachers and guides alive and out of body both. Everything you see here, which I hope to be a gateway to all that wishes to come through me, is a result of a lifetime's absorption of myriad influences: Buddhist and Taoist philosophy, Hindu theology and mysticism, verbal and somatic trauma therapy, Amazonian plant medicine, and years of study in bodywork and Gestalt at the Esalen Institute in California, to name a few. I mention these influences only to emphasize that I don't consider what you see here to be "mine" in the conventional sense, but merely how the light plays as it passes through me. Welcome, and I hope you find something here that calls to the light that passes through you as well - I am wishing you blessings and grace on your path.

Let’s Work Together

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